課題 平台 學習重點 教學流程 / 策略 檢討(困難與成效)
3A Unit 2
Meal time!
Kahoot Is there…/Are there…? --- ---
3A Unit 5
My school calendar
Kahoot School events (prepositions) --- ---
3A Unit 6
What can we do?
Kahoot Connectives --- ---
3B Unit 2
My friends
Kahoot Phrasal Verbs --- ---
Past Tense Kahoot 鞏固學生對past tense的認識 1. 每人一部Ipad進行活動
2. 教師開Kahoot app
3. 教師和學生即時登入,進行活動
4. 教師和學生即時檢討常犯的錯誤
1. 操作容易
2. 學生投入
3. 學生有自我學習的機會
4. 老師能即時回饋
Unit 3
Now and Then)
Adobe Spark Video 20 tasks about the change of oneself of past and present (past and Present tense) One task was done after Assessment 3.
Revise Part 3 Present Tense with students.
Students wrote a draft and then do the photos inserting and recording
All Students could finish the task and it was easy since they learnt to use it last year.
They were able to use past and present tense correctly.
3B Unit 6
Fun activities
Kahoot Past Tense + Question words    
Picture description Seesaw Practise Speaking 1. Use TSA speaking question (In a Home Market) to do a picture description
2. Use 4 pictures to tell a story
Practice makes perfect. The 1st time for students to login was a bit hard for P.3.
However after a few time everyone in the class could hand in their work.
Seesaw is a good tool for students to practise speaking.
They even gave feeback to one another's work.